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The War Hammer 40k Topic


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The War Hammer 40k Topic
« on: October 07, 2008, 07:26:21 pm »
With Dawn of War 2 in development, now is a good time to talk about its source material. Its also a real good time to get into the table top game as its starting to become real awesome. I have pics of some of my stuff.

A picture of my Titan, named Rex. Any guesses as to why? Also features my Bane Blade conversion (the tank is fully plastic). Better shots of that next time.

Rex from the side. Armed with an Inferno Gun (super flame thrower) and a plasma blast gun.

These shots are not in close enough proximity to look at the paint details though. Speaking of which, douglas owes me a pic of those Ork dreadnaughts. The fully plastic Ork Stompa that's being released around spring (first ever official model) is about as tall as Rex to get a good idea of its size.
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Re: The War Hammer 40k Topic
« Reply #1 on: October 09, 2008, 11:37:32 am »
Pretty nice paint job, though I can't say much for my own skills. >_>

(Of course, I'm working with metal.)

Never got into WH 40k though or even Fantasy for that matter. Heck, it's an accident that I came upon Warmachine. But that's for a different topic.

Also you know that once doug posts his pics he'll win the topic, right?
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Re: The War Hammer 40k Topic
« Reply #2 on: October 09, 2008, 12:24:17 pm »
Pretty nice paint job, though I can't say much for my own skills. >_>

(Of course, I'm working with metal.)

Never got into WH 40k though or even Fantasy for that matter. Heck, it's an accident that I came upon Warmachine. But that's for a different topic.

Also you know that once doug posts his pics he'll win the topic, right?
Yeah except my models are ~500 miles away, so it might be a while.
This topic has now been officially won by me.  Never mind, you might do better next time! - it's in the intarwebs, it must be true!

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Re: The War Hammer 40k Topic
« Reply #3 on: October 09, 2008, 06:40:16 pm »
I know some of you have wanted to see my conversion designed to look like a Command and Conquer Mammoth Tank (douglas' quote guess topic in which I made the comment about it), so here it is. I made this by combining parts of the plastic Bane Blade kit, a second Bane Blade cannon, and a plastic Space Marine Whirlwind kit. Replaces co-axial autocannon with Twin Linked Vanquisher cannon (imagine a battle cannon with a bigger blast template and an anti-armor round that's basically a 72" range melta. Replaces the twin las cannons with a twin-linked missile launcher with an AA mount. Uses a Chaos Black--> Battle Adaptus Gray, Mightnight Blue-->Regal Blue-->Ultramarine Blue, Battle Adaptus Gray-->Codex Gray color scheme. Tracks are Tin Blitz-->dry brushed Boltgun Metal with Badeb Black wash. It needs some work though.

Top view. Shows the trademark twin cannons and anti-air missile launcher, along with the demolisher cannon and the hull mounted twin linked heavy bolter that are part of a normal Bane Blade.

Front view.

Right side view.

Notes: I actually got into WH40k after playing Dawn of War in 2006. The Bane Blade was made of so much win that I wanted to play the game for real. One year later, my wish got granted with the release of the Apocalypse rule book (rules for 3000+ points games). Guess what model became the new game's poster boy for the new expansion in terms of a new fully plastic kit? As a whole, IG got the mother load with this new set, which is odd since the Space Marines usually get most of the attention in 40k.
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Re: The War Hammer 40k Topic
« Reply #4 on: October 11, 2008, 06:10:32 pm »

totally awesome paintjobs, dude...
Year 33 — The Malkavians claim that their greatest practical joke happened during this year, when they perform a bit of graverobbing  in Jerusalem.
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Re: The War Hammer 40k Topic
« Reply #5 on: October 18, 2008, 01:57:17 am »
Actually, that's not an inkwash. Just this past summer, Games Workshop developed a new set of washes that are actually paint based. While they act like traditional ink washes, they're a bit more viscous, meaning that they're easier to control than ink washes (easier to use) and come in the same matte finish as the paints. Their ink line got quickly retired as this is a much better system. There's Baal red, Asurman Blue (if done on boltgun metal like I did as a shade layer to one of my Grey Knights, will make them look like Nightmare), Thakka Green, Gyphonne Sepia (yellowish wash), Badab Black (good for making things look darker or old but still in good shape), Leviathan Purple (excellent for Nid players), Ogryn Flesh (generic flesh wash but also looks good with gold, as used on Rex) and Devlan Mud (brown wash that looks good with practically any color, especially if you want a dirty finish). Speaking of paints, last year we got foundation paints, paints with a much stronger pigment. They serve as additional in between colors and (the yellow, orange and red ones especially) as a good way to get good coverage on black primer with more annoying colors (mentioned above). White primer has become less popular as a result. I use the Battle Adaptus Grey and Mecherite Red in the units above (red as shade layer for Rex, the grey as highlights for black).

More news for da Ork players. For the first time, the Battle Wagon is getting a kit (fully plastic) and it looks awesome. The Shock Attack Gun is back in the Ork codex. The Battle of Black Reach starter set comes with plastic Deff Coptas (attack helicopter like units). In 5th edition, Orks have officially become a top tier race thanks to some cool new rules that gave them a much needed buff (until the new codex this coming spring, the Imperial Guard is now bottom tier because of the new Annihilate rules which due to kill points rules are almost unwinnable for them). In other news, several new Space Marine units got released this week as kits, including the super flexible Sternguard vets, fully plastic drop pods (those things are broken now), the return of the Thunder Fire Cannon, the nasty Vanguard Veterans (vets got split into shoot and assault types in the new codex), and the Land Raider Redeemer (super powerful AP3 flamer sposons). The Redeemer comes in a fully plastic kit that also allows you to build a Land Raider Crusader (fully plastic now)
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Re: The War Hammer 40k Topic
« Reply #6 on: October 18, 2008, 05:37:27 am »
Who like plastic models?

Also, even though it seems now like much less work, it's still a most awesome paint job... kudos to you, and hurray for technology!

On said note, that's why I used to play WH40K...  Before GW made their own Inkwash kit, I learned about it from sculpting and was already applying it, meaning I had some of the most awesome models around...

I'm happy to know that that's not a 15-hour project, like it would've been a while ago!
Year 33 — The Malkavians claim that their greatest practical joke happened during this year, when they perform a bit of graverobbing  in Jerusalem.
-- Vampire: The Masquerade

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Re: The War Hammer 40k Topic
« Reply #7 on: October 21, 2008, 01:09:39 pm »
I would love to see some of those hand sculpted models. Reminds me of the time I saw a hand scultped Hierophant (uber sized Tyranid Creature) at Games Day LA this year. That was epic.

I love plastic models, especially after Games Workshop put in some serious investment into some new laser scultpting technology that improves the appearence of plastic models last year. Their very first new units with that technology are the new plastic High Elf Dragon (late 2007) and the Bane Blade (actually looks better than the Forge World model). A comparison of the new kit (High Elf Lord on Dragon) to the old metal kit (just below). Looks way more like what I'd expect a dragon to look like as opposed to some S shaped Trogdor thing. Ther new plastic bikes contrasted with the old models. Also in there through exploration is some redone Lootas, Boyz, and Trukks (look WAY better than the old trukks with small'um drivers).

Played Squad Command (PSP) yesterday. The best way to describe it is as a turn based squad strategy game with a lot of good ideas but the clunky controls and TERRIBLE camera just crap all over it. If you can get passed those issues, the game play itself is actually quite fun.
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Re: The War Hammer 40k Topic
« Reply #8 on: October 21, 2008, 05:16:40 pm »
I only made a few sculpted models, and unfortunately they all got sold (heh, I had a couple pieces go for around 300$ USD).

I also used to buy and point models for other people, for a small fee (twice whatever products it took to make said item look so good ^_^)
Year 33 — The Malkavians claim that their greatest practical joke happened during this year, when they perform a bit of graverobbing  in Jerusalem.
-- Vampire: The Masquerade

Offline Alondite

Re: The War Hammer 40k Topic
« Reply #9 on: November 06, 2008, 10:40:32 am »
I'm aware that this is a bit of a necropost, but it fits here.

I've never been into the actaul "board" game, (as I can think of no other term fir it right now) but I am a huge fan of Dawn of War.  I have Dark Crusade, and it's awesome.  Does anyone else play DoW?

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Re: The War Hammer 40k Topic
« Reply #10 on: November 06, 2008, 02:59:31 pm »
Dawn of War is awesome, can't want for the 2nd one.

Also nice models magnum, the painting looks very neat.

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Re: The War Hammer 40k Topic
« Reply #11 on: November 06, 2008, 07:35:55 pm »
I've been wanting to get into miniatures like these, but I see little point right now seeing as it costs much money and that I know very few people in my area who give a shit.

Also that I suck horribly at painting.
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Re: The War Hammer 40k Topic
« Reply #12 on: November 08, 2008, 09:58:15 pm »
Don't worry, its only a necro post if its been more than 30 days.

I play DoW casually. Fun game with Chaos Lord Ephilas being just awesome. In fact, I'm working on a conversion project using bits from Chaos Space Marines and an eventual Chaos Lord (with some bit ordered Word Bearers shoulder pads) purchase to make a Chaos Lord Ephilas model. I intend on this being a Christmas present for my Chaos playing older brother (its going to be fully painted and assembled as the gift. He's part of the Word Bearers legion, so my scheme is going to be scab red->magenta ink (with scab red in recesses)-> red gore (armor), boltgun metal->chain mail -> mithril silver (trim), desert yellow -> bleached bone -> skull white (decor). When he's done, I'll have pics and a custom data sheet for rules on how to play with him.

@Pidgey. I have advice on how to reduce the costs of the hobby. 1. Progress slowly. Take your time growing your army. 2. Plan ahead. Determine what kind of play style you like before making your purchase. 3. Buy a battle box. These sets are an excellent value and allow you to get a bunch of stuff at once for a comparatively low cost.

The absolute cheapest army availible is Chaos (World Eaters). You can have a decent 500 point army for about $80 (not counting paints, just models) if you buy a box of Khorne Berserkers (one choice of those guys is 5-20 but a box comes with 12) and a Daemon Prince (order a set of Baelrog wings to make him really nasty). Make 2 Skull Champions (they dont have helmets) and give them plasma pistols. As for paints, you'll need Red gore -> Blood Red -> Blazing Orange (armor), Brazen Brass -> Shining Gold -> Burnished Gold (trim), black primer, boltgun metal -> chain mail (weapons), and some browns for the belts. This is a VERY melee orientated army, so it won't be for everyone.

Don't worry about being a  bad painter. Everyone starts out like that. I was pretty bad (I still suck with organic stuff,  I'm more into vehicles, armor, and weapons) when I started. I went back and re painted my whole IG infantry before Games Day. Remember, thin your paints. It makes the pigment much nicer. Get a paint pallete, put some paint on it, and apply water with an eye dropper. 50-60% paint for non metallic colors and 65-75% paint for metallic colors. The painting miniatures book REALLY helps.
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Re: The War Hammer 40k Topic
« Reply #13 on: November 08, 2008, 10:09:02 pm »
Well, if I ever start having money to spare, I'll consider some WH40K stuff.
Also Melee-oriented? That's good. I like melee attacks.
I also like being the "bad guys" 8D
« Last Edit: November 09, 2008, 05:36:10 am by Pidgey »
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Re: The War Hammer 40k Topic
« Reply #14 on: November 08, 2008, 11:37:54 pm »
that had to be one of the most newb-friendly posts I've seen in a while...

Also, Youtube is your friend if you're looking at getting into just about ANY field as a newbie...

Year 33 — The Malkavians claim that their greatest practical joke happened during this year, when they perform a bit of graverobbing  in Jerusalem.
-- Vampire: The Masquerade

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Re: The War Hammer 40k Topic
« Reply #15 on: November 09, 2008, 08:00:49 pm »
I've been wanting to get into miniatures like these, but I see little point right now seeing as it costs much money and that I know very few people in my area who give a shit.

Also that I suck horribly at painting.
Sondow, I thought both about Warmachine before I got into it. Especially on cost. And painting. I turned out better than I thought on the latter, and my job's covering most of the former. Of course, I make $10.65/hr and work 30+ hours a week and still live at home...

Also if you think nobody's into it, ask around at hobby shops in your area. If Warhammer's what you want to get into, ask what night their Warhammer night is and just show up at some point. I'm sure there'd be someone around to give a demo or something to see if you really like it.

My Warmachine story is a little different as I had a friend introduce me to the game, but it's the same general principle.

And listen to Magnum. Start slow. I sadly didn't pick cheap armies as far as Warmachine goes, but I went with either what I got for free (Trollbloods, for the Hordes side) and what I thought was cool (Khador, on the Warmachine side). With both factions I own, I started with basic 500-point lists and slowly built on them. (Now I own ~1500 points worth of each.) Again, different game, but same concept.
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Re: The War Hammer 40k Topic
« Reply #16 on: November 11, 2008, 05:12:16 pm »
I've finished the head (my green stuff skills suck so it will be missing two of his six horns, but the angles of the others are perfect) and his right arm (no shoulder pad yet). Here's a prototype custom data sheet on how to play as Eliphas the Inheritor. Pictures later.

-Stats: Same as a Chaos Lord.
-Points: 165
-War Gear: Frag and Krak grenades, Accursed Acrozium, plasma pistol
-Special Rules: Fearless, Independant character, Demagogue ability.

-Accursed Acrozium: This is a daemon weapon that also counts as a icon of Chaos Undivided and gives the user a 4+ invunreble save.
-Demagogue Ability: All units within 6" of Eliphas the Inheritor become fearless.
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Re: The War Hammer 40k Topic
« Reply #17 on: November 13, 2008, 12:46:03 am »
Man, I'm probably gonna have to spend like an hour studying the latest rulebook to figure this game out properly. X)

Also I played a free official Dawn of War demo, and even though that demo was Space Marines-only (and orks as the enemies in the campaign mission sample) it has cemented my desire to get into WH40K. Oh well, guess I better start saving up my money...again!
Anyway the World Eaters look pretty epic, but how exactly does one turn the Khorne Berserkers into World Eaters? I saw some shoulder pads for World Eaters on the site, but I dunno how that stuff works.

somewhat relatedly the Space Marines' religious look on fighting is so lame and reminds me of Luminous Arc, to a point. Or the Spanish Inquisition or something.
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Re: The War Hammer 40k Topic
« Reply #18 on: November 13, 2008, 12:40:08 pm »

How exactly does one turn the Khorne Berserkers into World Eaters? I saw some shoulder pads for World Eaters on the site, but I dunno how that stuff works.
Besides from the shoulder pads (super glue those on their arms since they're metal) all you need to do to turn Khorne Berserkers into World Eaters is to simply give them their proper color scheme. You don't even really need the shoulder pads if you don't want to use them. (In an earlier post, I posted their color scheme.) Under the three color paint pallette, Color 1--> Color 2 --> Color 3; color 1 is the shade coat (you use this as the base coat). Color 2 is the primary color (you paint this over the base coat but leave the base coat in the recesses). Color 3 is the highlight color. For shoulder pads, the base coat (red gore) you leave a slight line next to the bottom trim. The Blazing Orange (need to check if Macharius Solar Orange is darker) goes next to the trim in a half circle pattern as a thin line. Check the painting miniatures book as that will teach you most of what you could possibly need to know about painting, shades, and high lights.

-Edit: Some tactics. In general, you will have the advantage in assaults as you will get 3 attacks (add 1 for twin weapons) as your base number. WS 5 means that you will hit most enemies on a 3 and Furious Charge makes them faster and stronger when they charge. They are very good at close combat, but there are still some units you might want to heed caution towards. NEVER get in assaults with Genestealers (a raptor like Tyranid Units with four arms) as their incredible speed (even faster than you despite furious charge) and rending rule will tear through anything in close combat. Thankfully, they have light armor so most weapons deny them armor saves in the shooting phase. Do NOT engage Grey Knights unless you're doing the charge. They they charge, their WS 5, Strength 6 weapons will eat you alive. GK terminators are worse, generably considered one of the most terrifying assault units in the game thanks to their S 6 weapons being power weapons. I should know, I use them in my 2000 point Imperial Guard army (Ig can take Grey Knights as allies) and I once killed 2 15 man squads of Chaos Space Marines single handedly with a 8 man GK termie squad in 2 different assaults (this was in a 750 point Tau and 750 point GK team versus 1500 point Chaos game I played with my Chaos playing brother on his birthday). The Daemon Prince in particular will have problems as all GK units have special rules that give them advantages against Daemons. Don't assault Howling Banshees unless you get the charge because their speed will give you trouble.

Once you start going for 1000 point games, I would buy a second box of Khorne Berserkers, giving you three 8 man squads. Only troops can capture objectives now, so you should have at least three troop choices in 750+ point games. Buy some Rhinos since speed is VERY important to assault armies. You can also use a tactic called "The Wall" against swarms of Gene Stealers if need be (more on that later). IIRC, you can also assault the same turn you disembark from a transport as long as the transport moves no more than 6" that turn (max speed is 12" a turn, much faster than on foot). I would give the rhinos either a combi flamer or a havoc launcher. From there I would expand into fast attacks or heavy supports. If you desire a fast attack choice, I'd go with Chaos Bikers (with Mark of Khorne of course), as they move very fast across the table and are great for flanking maneuvers. If you desire the Heavy Support route, go with a Chaos Predator. For a reasonably cheap point cost, a twin linked lascannon/heavy bolter sposons route is very reliable, giving you much needed anti tank options and a way to keep swarms under control, giving you some more shooting options to give your berserkers some cover fire. Almost forgot. Give the Daemon Prince a Mark of Khorne.

-Edit again: Attached is a sample World Eaters army list (merely an example of how to play such an army, not set in stone). Kharn the Betrayer is a must for a 1500 point plus Khorne army as he is one the best units in the entire Chaos Space Marines codex. He's also a World Eater, so he's very in character with this army. Despite his draw back risk of ally kills, do have him join a squad of Khorne Berserkers as they give him a nice meat shield and on average you'll only lose one Berserker due to ally kills a round. He hits ANY enemy unit on a two, eats tanks for lunch, and wounds most other things on a 2, so he's worth it. Also VERY cost effective.
« Last Edit: November 18, 2008, 01:33:22 pm by magnum12 »
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Re: The War Hammer 40k Topic
« Reply #19 on: November 26, 2008, 03:23:22 pm »
Behold. Tis a great time to be an Ork. A whole bunch of releases come this January. For the first time ever, a Battle Wagon model is availible (all previous ones needed conversion). The kit comes with multiple ways to build it reflecting Orky construction. Plastic Nobs, complete with ability to upgrade to a Pain Boy. Captain Badruck, first time availible as a model. Boss Sinkrot (Kommando unique) availible for the first time.

Not posted but also coming out in January are plastic grots. The kit also comes with the Ork in charge of keeping them in check (you had to order it before this kit comes out).
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